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[Attention] 【08.12.24】 CHRISTMAS WISHES, FROM ME TO YOU

发表于 2008-12-24 22:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 aoiwang 于 2008-12-24 22:28 编辑 9 _% x" v; e, f/ J5 a" [

8 A6 |- F8 c# J$ N1 s7 h( cThis is the season to be grateful
7 b2 N6 \9 ]. x; K7 v4 {7 j" j2 r+ r  OIs the time to say thank you
. j) }0 V% G& C  i( M; |Keep the good spirit for another year/ R: d9 j9 P, {, G  ?

& _8 _4 Q2 e/ z: @, C( U& \Just enjoy what the season brings
0 J+ [; R2 ~- A3 ^$ K/ O; tEspecially when it snows
1 C+ ~! ^5 m% D, e( h) rSnows dropped like cotton balls / X4 I) G5 K8 O+ y& J2 s& ?  |/ \
Do you know how it feels?+ d# S* e% b$ V5 N- u% ^" q% _" u
A bunch of little presents from heaven" i( _1 I' D% X9 s) _; M
Polish the world with fresh new spirit
6 S: u' q# n2 JOn the treetop there's the shinning star) H0 D% D+ q6 ^. x
Rise from North to light the world
% ^" ~8 O; s$ e( y% t5 r) ENew Year will be bright and shine5 V! j) a: i$ P

2 |+ Y5 m: i6 z: I# J; rPut all your worries down) ?7 t5 x& v! o8 p' L& U1 [, G
Have all your wishes fulfill
. E; E0 L2 `& D" `0 |On the beautiful Christmas day
& [7 P) e  ~  k0 P" Y/ \Let's all be happy and joy& U" x. y8 {, O! ?* w
Do remember to thank the one you love* c* L. ?* w* i0 X( g
Especially the one that cherish you
1 ^  Y. P! F* |5 C; pEspecially you, TIK JESDAPORN PHOLDEE) M2 w5 p' Z; |- m* Z7 q
4 d' e- ?- T9 r0 e+ ~
7 w8 e1 {& R6 u
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! L5 l8 r! P6 g  E- h8 q' D5 g
I know we are far apart,
6 w# T. J" P6 x& p5 o- dYour sunny days + E( q5 l+ K3 T: s8 t; R9 Z' u, |
My snowy days* }6 s7 A! V0 p) g9 |& `) g
Your warm weather# v0 l2 c3 \" l& k/ \; q6 @
My freezing rain
* m8 b$ Y# T: v9 M
+ A% A5 [' b. e$ eBut that is still OK# m1 ^2 @+ ~4 I% y
We are under the same big sky2 Y, I6 e4 q, d/ \7 o2 s
( @* t1 z5 ^( h% _% p% H
The sun that shines your sky bringten my snow
0 S9 B$ g( g3 T7 _The moon that lights up your nights reflected in my river
1 V0 q- B" X( lWe are on two sides of the world7 m! y: `% A7 R
yet, we are on the same world4 x" r0 o+ }% \* s( P1 P; r

" h& @5 p# q6 h9 V+ ESo wish you,
7 r! _' m0 q) \: m* ^0 k: S* k, RA very Merry Christmas
0 k. \+ y1 c6 C8 P. [( rAnd hope you will like this
: t/ r7 D  D* I: ~/ w" c9 o5 vLittle Christmas wish I made out from you name!!
: A/ s. E3 c0 }2 X  e2 j) {2 F3 Q7 L+ l6 I6 o/ I7 b/ p
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
发表于 2008-12-24 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
Christmas to you,My tik.I wish you happy forever.
发表于 2008-12-24 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
; F& u. r! Z) X7 u# }0 O% y, tMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
发表于 2008-12-24 23:42 | 显示全部楼层
We will always love Jesse, hoping he can lead a happy life!
发表于 2008-12-25 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-25 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
Merry Christmas,好强啊,藏头诗
发表于 2008-12-26 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
. z" [8 s; e! u4 I) n; c* p还能用英文写诗
发表于 2009-1-10 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
LZ,you're so talented!!!!!
发表于 2009-1-28 15:06 | 显示全部楼层
楼主  太有才了支持顶顶
发表于 2010-5-16 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
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