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【09.05.29】 sabra girl淡淡的美好

发表于 2009-5-29 09:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

8 L% A& P' x0 o% _6 L- g5 \) I, t" R8 f1 J
3 J# T( m7 U" v6 P
Lonely the life, that once I led8 h5 b% v& \* @# n4 {  D
Strange the paths, on which we tread! W* {5 c& w7 e% D5 r
Led me to you, unlikely but true7 b0 k. O, A$ P, ^. c, |
Sabra girl, clouding my view2 ^! C+ O& ?  V5 o7 A' k8 _
Rainy the day, the first time we met$ W- R0 R* v* }. V
Deep was the talk, forever my debt
( n, |* F' y5 I0 u2 d, a$ BIt didn't seem wrong, to sing a sad song% c* G5 o* M( h1 e# W; Q5 w
Sabra girl, soon you'd be gone
8 b1 e/ u3 i$ F$ Y" o) ]Early the morning, and sad the goodbye4 o% C6 M9 [  T* p! u
With a wave of your hand and, a smile of your eye
7 N( U& d& Q& E  C$ @& n4 }So lately did meet, no sooner depart
1 ~# l: O, a" W4 [Sabra girl, homeward must start3 c/ {0 w/ f+ B
Rosy the lines that you wrote with your hand
/ J7 v4 Y( a5 W, z- d2 ~4 W/ DReading between them to misunderstand
1 H1 F# \7 s! e9 e$ x) e, CI made the mistake you said not to make..., W! b/ s: u0 ~6 i5 z" k
Yes, reading your letters, conviction did grow
* Z# @5 w& _, L0 _1 r/ _I thought it a chance, I knew I must go
' t. n4 `/ {+ w6 cIt's hard to believe I could be so naive
0 P! V# U: w3 }- k& ESabra girl, flattered but deceived! ^3 m8 N' n) ~
Now you just told me that friendship is all+ T; _4 M  F  A
I'm forced to repair the breach in my wall' B6 @6 a4 g0 m5 U" a( Q! H! b
Illusions and dreams, as usual, it seems5 [4 N1 N! u# w
Sabra girl, they've been my downfall% [+ D  W! J- A( S& @
Lonely the life, and dismal the view
3 w9 n; }0 B: U5 f" l% LClosed is the road that leads to you
( Z8 K5 J+ M% x8 XSince better can't be, as friends we'll agree
' Q  ~' W+ e' o6 Q; U- |) b: ^Sabra girl, time will cure me

% m; v  X! `* c4 f% h. A  Y % \+ Y- s: E$ V
孤单的生活, 一经我引导 8 ?. o/ f, ]: X6 ?/ s
奇怪的路径, 在哪一个之上我们踏 . f: v7 L5 z+ p4 b0 G. v
引导了我走向你, 不太可能但是真实的
. y' @$ @. V4 Z9 l( K% v& W0 O3 rSabra 女孩, 以云遮敝我的视野 + p' F! q! n+ w3 h3 J
* j# f" J- K- Z- m( y; B8 A9 |2 X
下雨的那天, 第一次我们遇见 + F2 H1 e# c2 p4 [+ N% a7 d1 a
深处是谈话, 永远地我的债务
! E  Q0 r  ]9 v0 O它没有似乎错误, 唱一首忧愁的歌
1 N1 R* N/ [) j9 R1 d) e% [Sabra 女孩, 很快你将会不见了
: e4 t/ H( q  c" g# S2 d( k$ |早的早晨, 和忧愁的那再见
' q/ @0 o/ ?& B8 U1 ^$ o藉由一个你的手的波和, 一微笑你的眼睛
9 ?4 \4 B% S- u3 T) U6 _7 k因此近来做会, 没有更快离开 , S. E" i6 P! z
Sabra 女孩, 在归途上的一定开始 ( j% C+ m3 U) N# M/ W
: J) e: q4 u# U& z  u# u9 s
  o7 }8 o; O. f5 N) B8 {) L) j在他们之间的阅读误解
2 a. n4 A' G. Z. u" O) j我犯错你说不要再制造。。。
/ P3 Y9 J+ v' E6 Z4 ]. k5 k: |4 W, f, ]$ C1 _! W$ W
是的, 阅读你的信, 信念做生长
: G" ?7 U: p: T& P* F, E/ E5 ~我想法它一个机会, 我知道我一定去
$ r& Y' ^/ g6 a相信很难我可能是这么天真的 : f3 O4 q/ d2 `0 a+ C& u) G
Sabra 女孩, 过份夸赞但是欺骗了 % l$ A' @+ b' l6 R1 r: _

! \+ G0 q0 {$ \9 I现在你刚刚告诉我友谊是所有的
8 |  p5 R: R7 O2 M  O% P* ?$ l我是被迫的对修理裂口在我的墙壁中 1 K: L- F0 B% [) E3 q' z
幻影和梦, 像往常一样, 它似乎 ) G7 R) N: P4 g
Sabra 女孩, 他们有是我的衰败 # [1 k) g6 A- A, }4 w

- u$ O% d3 u' o  R孤单的生活, 和阴郁的视野 ! G# R8 w: I# y
关闭是对你带领的道路 5 N0 h5 W$ g/ Y, S7 o, a& B
因为比较好的不能是, 当做朋友我们意志同意 6 m% F/ X3 s% H- V" @
Sabra 女孩, 时间意志治疗我

, F7 m7 u8 o0 w3 y' d, U6 D% w9 n
发表于 2009-5-29 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 13:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 17:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 19:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 20:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-29 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
清新淡雅,舒缓灵动。) z& s5 c6 D) N1 }+ a+ ^
fang 发表于 2009-5-29 20:20
# h$ p9 ?) D; D  |5 n  C& M
发表于 2009-5-31 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
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