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楼主: lachesis

[Index] 【08.06.15】Can't Smille Without You,....Tik!

发表于 2008-6-23 03:15 | 显示全部楼层
. r0 ^9 t  l, k* oYou know I can't smile without you % C: U2 E1 |7 X% S$ P( V
I can't smile without you " M! e8 }2 P9 |5 A& |4 v6 b9 P! _
I can't laugh and I can't sleep.
) j5 k4 l+ W# j/ yI don't even talk to people like me
+ e$ r: B. z) i) A! hAnd I feel sad when you're sad
8 C. F  T# K) C; aI feel glad when you're glad
' N8 ^2 p0 E5 i' N- UYou must know what I'm going through ) R. e9 L3 S6 C+ k$ O1 ^
I just can't smile without you $ A. L) `8 `( E
8 a$ D! [7 d* x) G8 S
You came along just like a song & _7 D9 |  \4 t6 }2 K
You've brighten my day
3 ?- }4 s4 f6 V+ k: p& tWho would believed you were part of a dream ! F5 j1 [/ \) o
now only seen like it is away 8 T0 x4 M$ M  L. W* y3 o4 ^
You know I can't smile without you
" p& R7 W' Q# cI can't smile without you1 z& Y4 x. ^; ?
And you must know what I'm going through
, x  u$ x" G: N4 }, C% nI just can't smile without you" E% V% b$ D. _6 \3 a, d2 ]2 I" I. p8 v

& {# J3 ]+ Y/ OSome people say that happiness is away   F5 i/ h+ B5 i8 d- K  k
That something is hard to find
1 V2 b* |7 b5 V% P6 T' B+ {Into the news even the old behind me
. {5 v# L' s; U: @) N. a0 nAnd I feel sad when you're sad
* I: {- g0 ]7 q  \8 g" X- zI feel glad when you're glad ) Y% R+ [2 b. w$ y4 s, F! }
You must know what I'm going through 6 @" c' l) {# j0 [
I just can't smile without you4 A+ I( T; }3 w& G. J

% V! ~* i2 _# x2 \( ^: ~- c1 I- X5 uInto the news even the old behind me
' |$ j" K3 C+ p5 P( s4 PAnd I feel sad when you're sad 0 \; i0 a0 x+ @- y  F
I feel glad when you're glad
! f* |  n2 j$ ^8 S" YYou must know what I'm going through
0 T* f% M) T. D* zI just can't smile without you
发表于 2008-6-28 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
well done!!
+ E1 P- I- m& @( w4 DThanks LZ!" s" x' L" o* ~1 C' [
Both the song and  pictures are my favourit
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